Tuesday 26 November 2013

Could this pregnancy BE any more different?

I have spent the last two week on the verge of throwing up. It’s been a “fun” new experience for me since both previous pregnancies (when I was pregnant with each of the boys) I had no nausea. Not a day. And I was a bit tired – it was what prompted my nurse sister-in-law to encourage me to test for first pregnancy – but nothing to the level of this pregnancy. I nap twice a day if I can get away with it.

My wake up is early. My 3-year-old Lucas wakes up at 6:45 a.m. usually and pretends to snuggle in my bed for a total of 2 minutes before he’s up and over me and out of bed asking for something to “eat, mama?” I can sometimes persuade him to play in his room “quietly” but he’s so quiet that he usually wakes his 6 year old brother Benjamin. That produces two monkeys on my back, one ravenously hungry and the other failing terribly at whispering. So by 7:30 a.m. I’m up.

I pack a lunch for Benjamin and get him on the bus by 8:45. It helps that he can dress himself and even set the table (as long as there are clean bowls in the cupboard). So between breakfast – usually cereal, an absolute favourite at our house… even though I’m T1D – and getting Benjamin out the door in time for the bus, I get exhausted. He’s off and riding the yellow mobile to school and I find myself sleep-walking, and it’s only 9 a.m.

This morning I had an endocrinologist appointment at 10 and since the whole house was spinning under my feet I laid down to make the dizziness stop. Lucas was happy playing on the iPad in his room – which is the habit when I have to get Benjamin out the door for the bus - while I planned on getting ready for appointment… But once I lay down, I slip off to dreamland within seconds. Next thing I know it’s 9:45 and there is no way to avoid being late for the appointment. I rush around and throw some jeans on (non-pregnancy and they are feeling tight) and change the monkey and get us out the door in record time. I drop Lucas off at Apko – AKA grandpa – and I am on my way at 5 minutes past the start of my appointment. Steady nausea as I drive. Not throw-up kind, but enough to make me uneasy. Like I drank stale milk… or ate questionable tuna. Both of which make me gag a little just thinking about.

After waiting for 1 hour and 15 min in waiting room, I am finally in to see the diabetes nurse educator, Jacquie. She is fabulous and I love her. Really. She looks at the downloaded info off of my pump and does a few changes. She’s glad I had a Constant Glucose Sensor a few weeks ago and uses the info to tweak the changes. I tell her about the box of sensors that arrived on Wednesday of last week. It’s now Monday. I still have not started a new sensor nor opened the box. Busy? Lack of will? I’m not sure. But tonight is the night.

I have been having amazing BGs so that’s exciting. I am so much more aware of my T1D when I am pregnant. It’s so silly but so true. My recent A1C is 0.073 which is not optimal but still good. I want perfect, I want amazing – I want 0.059 or lower. I’ve done it in the two previous pregnancies and I will do it again.

I am looking forward to this new baby. Very, very excited to be pregnant which is very, very good.

Being nauseous - not so good, but I guess you win some you throw up some. Everyone says it’s a girl since it’s so different. Statistics say I have a 75% chance of having another boy if I already have two at home… but so what? It’s a 50% chance otherwise… so what’s another 25%? Come on Valentines Day (I’ll be 20 weeks then) and that’s when we will find out the gender of the baby!

Again I am hoping for a girl – but can you blame me? I have two of the most active, most BOYish boys I know. A lot of my close friends have young kids and none compare to the level and volume of mine. I am hoping for someone that doesn’t care about Angry Birds or Star Wars or playing swords. I am hoping for pig tails and pink tutus and dolls and slumber parties. God says to present out requests to him with thanksgiving. So I have done that. If he chooses, in his infinite wisdom, that another boy is best for my family then I completely trust his call.

We’ll just wait for V.day to find out.

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